Book of condolence – Ion Caramitru

Farewell, Ion Caramitru!

A unique personality of the contemporary art, culture and history has just left us. A man of great moral strength, an Artist endowed with an all-round gift, a powerful conscience of unique magnitude, who knew how to perceive time, fathom it and follow the right path. He knew how to fight for his ideals, how to reify and defend them, without receding from his principles. A seductive, irresistible, charismatic presence, displaying a noble, refined elegance. But above all, a MAN, a LEADER, a CONSTRUCTOR, a CREATOR with an astounding vision.

Ion Caramitru’ s passing away leaves an immense void whose proportions will be obvious in time. Only then will the amplitude of his personality, its unusual dimensions settle into shape. Only then will the real dimension of our loss be disclosed…

In this digital book of condolence, everyone has the opportunity to say goodbye, in their own personal way, to Ion Caramitru.

May God give him Light, peace, rest, according to the beauty of his soul and to all his accomplishments!

And to us, the power to keep and carry them forward.

UNITER – The Romanian Association of Theatre Artists collects and processes personal data to display your name and your condolences, as well as for internal purposes. Your contributions may be archived in a condolence book in printed and / or digital form and can also be viewed by third parties.

In view of the legal provisions of the U.E. Regulation no. 679/2016, in force since 25.05.2018, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, through the governing bodies, UNITER declares that the information provided by the authors of the messages, which contain identification data, will be used in good faith and in accordance with the legal provisions in force, exclusively for the purpose of promoting professional, material and moral interests and for reporting to the authorities, in accordance with the law.

Your message of condolence

    Book of condolence

    “A jucat zeci de roluri pe scenă și în filme, a înregistrat mii de minute de poezie și de teatru radiofonic…
    Iubea viața, respira Teatru, avea încă zeci de planuri pe care dorea să  le ducă la bun sfârșit…Ne doare mult că Timpul nu i-a mai dat răgaz!
    Suntem alături de familia sa atât de greu încercată în aceste momente…
    Dumnezeu să îl odihnească!”

    Popescu Ion